Report it
Fantastic News, did you know that you can report any issues such on the CCBC website who will then address the issue that has been raised.
Fantastic News, did you know that you can report any issues such on the CCBC website who will then address the issue that has been raised.
under the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004, Llysfaen Community Council, Financial year ended 31 March 2020
Further to the earlier notice, asking for replacements to cover the vacant posts following the retirement of the present officers at the end of this month, and guarantee sport continues to thrive in Llysfaen.
To ensure the continuation of Football, Bowling and any sport for the future and the children in this village, we still require people to volunteer to replace the 3 retiring officers at the end of July.
Llysfaen Community Council is supporting the Conwy wide initiative for residents who need support at this time and would suggest that you phone the number (01492 575544) on the poster if you require assistance.
Due to a recent resignation of a local Community Councillor, as well as a longstanding vacancy, we have the following vacancies now available.
Let’s clean up Llysfaen & Peulwys together!
Due to the success of the Play Scheme in 2019, the Community Council has resolved to fund sessions at Parc Peulwys and the ‘Banana’ Pitch again this summer.
The committee members of LCRA have given notice they will be retiring in July 2020.
Under Section 6 of the Act, Llysfaen Community Council has produced a report on the activities it has undertaken in 2017-2019 to enhance and maintain habitats for the bio-diversity of our local species.